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Peer Mediation

Peer Mediation Program for Selected students from Five different schools of Nigeria .

 Participating for providing Voluntary Service to The Global Community ! 


The zoom Session

Teaching Children the Basics of Peer Mediation

Peer Mediation is a means to achieve a harmonious upbringing of the future progeny , it could be thought as a measure ,to bridge the emotional vacuum left with the change in family systems and changing dynamics of family  definition in the social world around us.


Children from Nigeria

Attending a peer Mediation session through zoom meet.

Mediation is a peaceful means of dispute resolution , globally. 

Peer Mediation is taking this further at the school and university level , handling relationship issues  of children and younger generations . This also aims to put in perspective a very important aspect of developing a support system ;  conscious efforts in developing an attitude of helping and caring for our pals and those around us.


Play way Method

To Explain the Basic Concepts

We are actually trying to unlearn the social behavior of ignorance and cynicism and imbibe a conscientious effort of bringing in society the care and awareness of each other as individuals and to value and celebrate human life and existence. 

The eradication of wrongs prevalent in society is a tedious task , however implementation of good social and moral virtues could bring about a positive reinforcement of such values and hence be a more pragmatic approach. 


Interactive Session

Children participate Wholeheartedly

Peer Mediation  serves as a disciplinary diversion programme, a learning experience to prevent conflicts,and bring about a harmonious set up in society where there is no need for exclusionary  discipline methods to bring about socially responsible attitude and behavior in society .Discipline and good Moral and Social values be a way of life , the spirit of independence and individuality be respected together with a Harmonious blending of various cultural and ethical diversity.

Peer Mediation: Practice Areas
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